about ritch

My favorite photo subjects will always be people...


No offense to wildlife photographers. I totally respect those who photograph abstracts. Still-life photography is a noble hobby or profession. I prefer people.

My passion will always be attempting to capture love and joy, extreme effort and great relaxation, contentment and playfulness, discovery and worldliness--all in the body language and expressions of my subjects. Photographs of people tell a story, and the story that they tell is caught in a moment of time that may never again be duplicated. We should embrace the changes that life brings to our beloved family and friends, but we can also savor the moments in their lives we want to remember the most. 

Photography can help us do this. Priceless facial expressions frozen in time at just the right ages and saved in keepsake formats--framed enlargements and canvas-wrapped prints--allow us to live those moments over and over. Photography is a gift that we give to ourselves. The best part is that photographs that are displayed in your home keep on giving. I have prints like this in my home. I get a rush every time I see them and I think I always will. Art and knickknacks are fine decorations. Forever pictures that take your breath away and make your heart want to explode are better.